Istanbul 13 Jun 2024 BY Maryam Mahmoudian

Istanbul Aquarium | Dive into Wonder!

Dive into an unforgettable underwater adventure at the Istanbul Aquarium, a must-see attraction for any visitor to Istanbul!

Teeming with over 15,000 fascinating creatures from all corners of the globe, this world-class aquarium promises an exciting journey through the Earth's breathtaking aquatic ecosystems. Get ready to marvel at majestic sharks, come face-to-face with playful penguins, and lose yourself in the vibrant colors of coral reefs. Whether you're a curious kid or a seasoned explorer of the deep, Istanbul Aquarium has something to amaze everyone!

In this post, we cover species at Istanbul Aquarium, different sections, entertainments, visiting hours and accessibility.


Why Visit the Istanbul Aquarium?

Why Visit the Istanbul Aquarium

Opened in 2011, the Istanbul Aquarium is a must-visit for anyone with a sense of wonder about the ocean. Spanning a vast 22,000 square meters and a home to over 17,000 incredible creatures, this world-class facility boasts unparalleled marine biodiversity. Imagine a breathtaking 1.2-kilometer underwater tunnel adventure, surrounded by dazzling schools of fish and fascinating aquatic animals. Every turn reveals a new marvel, leaving you mesmerized by the vibrant life beneath the waves.

Through interactive exhibits and captivating presentations, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the delicate ecosystems that sustain our oceans. Learn about the fascinating cultures intertwined with these aquatic environments, fostering a newfound appreciation for the planet's delicate balance.

Beyond the stunning displays, the Istanbul Aquarium offers a variety of activities guaranteed to keep everyone entertained. From engaging presentations to interactive exhibits, there's something for curious minds of all ages.


Diverse Species at Istanbul Aquarium

The Istanbul Aquarium features over 1500 species, showcasing the rich ecosystems of the world's oceans, from the vibrant coral reefs to the icy waters of the poles.


Red-bellied Piranha

Red-bellied Piranha

A freshwater fish native to South America with a lifespan of 8-10 years. Primarily found in the Amazon River basin but also inhabiting other rivers and streams in the region. This omnivore grows up to 35 cm (14 inches) and feeds on insects, worms, crustaceans, fish, and even plant material. Despite its sharp teeth, its bite force is not as strong as its reputation suggests. Males have a red belly, while females are brown.


Gentoo Penguin

Gentoo Penguin

A flightless bird native to Antarctica and sub-Antarctic islands, reaching 51-90 cm (20-35 in) tall and living 15-20 years. Known for their orange-red bill and white belly patch, these excellent swimmers can zoom underwater at speeds of 36 kilometers per hour (22 mph). Interestingly, Gentoo penguins form breeding pairs with pebble exchanges, but these partnerships may not last a lifetime.


Lagoon Triggerfish

Lagoon Triggerfish

Istanbul Aquarium's Pacific Ocean exhibit showcases the Lagoon Triggerfish! These vibrantly colored fish, reaching up to 12 inches and living 5-10 years, resemble Picasso paintings. Active and territorial swimmers, they zoom around coral reefs feeding on invertebrates, algae, and even small fish. Their agility and speed help them defend their territory.




Visit the South American section of the Istanbul Aquarium to meet the Capybara, the world's largest rodent! These social herbivores live near water and graze on plants, reaching up to 57 inches tall and weighing around 154 pounds. Surprisingly excellent swimmers, Capybaras are highly social and can live in groups of up to 100.


Longhorn Cowfish

Longhorn Cowfish

Visit Istanbul Aquarium's Pacific Ocean section for the Longhorn Cowfish! These colorful Indo-Pacific fish (8-year lifespan, 20 inches long) have bony "horns" for defense. Agile swimmers, they eat sponges, worms, and even algae with their small mouths. They also pack a mild toxin to deter predators.


Spotted Moray Eel

Spotted Moray Eel

Known for their spotted beauty, these eels have a light yellow or white body adorned with distinctive brown spots outlined in white.

Live 35-40 years and grow up to 6.6 feet long. These spotted hunters hide in reefs during the day and become active at night, seeking fish, octopus, and crustaceans for dinner.


Phantasmal Poison Frog

Phantasmal Poison Frog

Measuring only 1.5-5 cm (0.6-2.0 in) long and living 3-15 years, these vibrantly colored frogs boast a red body splashed with black spots. Unlike many frogs, they don't need a constant water source, absorbing moisture through their skin. While not endangered, they are naturally uncommon. Remember, as with all poison dart frogs, these little guys have toxins in their skin - so admire from afar at the aquarium!




This giant freshwater fish has an ancient lineage with a fossil record dating back 3.5 million years, reaching lengths of 200 to 450 cm (6.6 to 14.8 ft) and tipping the scales at up to 200 kg (440 lbs).

One of their most fascinating features is their long, bony tongue, which can grow up to 1.5 meters (5 ft) long! This remarkable tongue has even been traditionally used by Amazonian people for tasks like grating and chopping wood.


Lemon Shark

Lemon Shark

These large sharks, reaching 240 to 340 cm (7.9 to 11.2 ft) in length, live for an average of 25 years. They get their name from their yellowish-brown color and prefer warm, shallow waters. Unlike some misconceptions, lemon sharks can rest while still pumping water over their gills to breathe. These nocturnal hunters primarily target fish, stingrays, and crustaceans, and are generally not considered a threat to humans.




Istanbul Aquarium's cutie with a surprising trick: the Pufferfish! Growing to 20 inches and living 10 years, these charming fish puff up to scare predators. But beware, they're poisonous! Admire them, but never touch any aquarium creatures, including puffers. While some cultures eat pufferfish, it's risky and best left to experts.


The Red Lionfish

The Red Lionfish

Beware the beauty! Red Lionfish boast red and white stripes with venomous spines. While these stunning fish aren't aggressive, their sting packs a punch.  Admire them from a safe distance at the Istanbul Aquarium - their habitat mimics coral reefs. To keep everyone safe, please avoid any actions that might startle them.


The Clownfish

The Clownfish

Istanbul Aquarium's favorite, the clownfish! These small (up to 4 inches) orange fish with white stripes (6-10-year lifespan) are famous for their partnership with sea anemones. Clownfish live safely among the anemone's stinging tentacles, while cleaning the anemone and keeping it healthy.


The Emperor Angelfish

The Emperor Angelfish

These fish transform from dazzling blue juveniles with bold white and electric blue markings into majestic adults with a deep blue body adorned with striking yellow horizontal stripes.

Though these 14-year-life fish are delicate for home aquariums, Istanbul Aquarium's vast tanks with coral and hiding spots provide a perfect underwater home.


Devil Scorpionfish

Devil Scorpionfish

This venomous fish, reaching up to 30 cm (12 in) and living 5-10 years, is a master of disguise. Its remarkable camouflage allows it to blend seamlessly with rock and coral reefs, making it a skilled ambush predator. Unsuspecting prey get too close before the Devil Scorpionfish strikes with its venomous spines located on the dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins.


Eagle Ray

Eagle Ray

These social creatures, with a wingspan up to 6 feet for some species, glide effortlessly in groups. They live 15-20 years and can be found in the Atlantic or Open Ocean section of the Istanbul Aquarium, depending on the species. Their range spans the eastern Atlantic Ocean, including the Aegean Sea, and the western Atlantic Ocean.


Humphead Wrasse

Humphead Wrasse

Also known as the Napoleon Wrasse or Napoleonfish, these captivating creatures boast an impressive lifespan of 15-20 years.

Sadly, due to overfishing, the Humphead Wrasse is listed as endangered by the IUCN. The Istanbul Aquarium actively participates in conservation efforts to protect this remarkable species.


Sand Tiger Shark

Sand Tiger Shark

Visit Istanbul Aquarium's Atlantic Ocean section to see the Sand Tiger Shark, a massive but peaceful shark reaching up to 12 feet. These slow-moving hunters (25+ years lifespan) breathe by keeping their mouths open while swimming, a technique called ram ventilation.


Musky Caiman

Musky Caiman

These captivating creatures, a small predator at 1.5-2.5 meters long, lives for 50 years. They camouflage in water or land to ambush fish, birds, and small mammals. While not typically aggressive to humans, they are wild animals and deserve a safe distance.


Different Sections of Istanbul Aquarium

The aquarium takes visitors on a 1.2 km journey through themed sections. Each section showcases aquatic life from a different part of the world. The experience even extends to the Amazon rainforest, where you'll find a greenhouse teeming with exotic plants, poisonous frogs, Amazonian snakes, and the river fish that call these lush forests home.


1- Black Sea (Karadeniz Alanı)

Black sea

Your underwater adventure kicks off at the Black Sea exhibit. Start your voyage with a climb aboard a replica of Noah's Ark! This playful introduction sets the stage for exploring the Black Sea's unique underwater world. Play educational games to test your knowledge and watch informative documentaries to discover the fascinating fish species that call this sea home.


2- Istanbul Strait (İstanbul Boğazı Alanı)

Istanbul Strait

Dive deeper into the heart of Istanbul at the Bosphorus Strait exhibit. Witness the rich tapestry of marine life thriving in this crucial waterway connecting the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea. Peer through special glass-bottomed tanks for a truly unique perspective of the underwater world below. Learn fascinating facts about the strait's distinct ecosystem, where salinity and temperature create a special habitat for marine life.


3- Dardanelles (Çanakkale Boğazı Alanı)


Prepare to be transported!  Special lighting effects create the illusion of sailing through the historic Dardanelles Strait. Encounter giant fish and marvel at a replica of the legendary Trojan Horse. This section seamlessly blends fascinating history with the opportunity to discover the diverse marine creatures that call this region home.


4- Aegean Sea (Ege Alanı)

Aegean Sea

Get ready to meet a legendary figure! The Aegean Sea section welcomes you with a majestic statue of Poseidon, the powerful god of the sea. An aquarium incorporated into the base of the statue adds a touch of whimsy to this area.  Prepare to be captivated by the vibrant underwater world of the Aegean, teeming with colorful fish, anemones, and crabs. Watch informative documentaries to learn more about this fascinating sea, and don't forget to capture a memorable photo with the mighty Poseidon himself!


5- Suez Canal (Süveyş Kanalı Alanı)

Suez Canal

Take a step back in time and explore the remarkable story of the Suez Canal. This section focuses on the canal's construction history, showcasing detailed models that bring the engineering feat to life. You'll also find a statue of Ferdinand de Lesseps, the visionary leader who oversaw the canal's completion. While there aren't any fish exhibits here, this section offers a fascinating glimpse into human ingenuity.


6- Red Sea (Kızıldeniz Alanı)

Red Sea

Prepare to be dazzled by the breathtaking beauty of the Red Sea. This section, widely considered the aquarium's most popular spot, boasts a kaleidoscope of colorful fish and magnificent coral reefs. Here, you'll gain valuable insights into the delicate ecosystem of coral reefs and the unique creatures that thrive within them.


7- Antarctica (Antarktika Alanı)


Brace yourself for a dramatic shift in temperature as you enter the Antarctic section! This area faithfully replicates the chilly waters surrounding the South Pole. Encounter a unique marine habitat teeming with fascinating creatures adapted to the cold. Towering two meters high, a replica of the Antarctic continent dominates the exhibit, complete with a miniature iceberg floating in its tank.

One of the highlights here is undoubtedly meeting the adorable Gentoo penguins.  This section also sheds light on the pressing issue of global warming. Learn how rising carbon dioxide levels contribute to melting ice caps and the potential consequences for coastal cities. Interactive displays allow you to envision a future where rising sea levels threaten entire landscapes.


8- Mediterranean (Akdeniz Alanı)


Immerse yourself in a captivating recreation of a limestone cave as you explore the Mediterranean Sea section. Inspired by the famous Damlataş and İnsuyu caves, this area utilizes sound and light effects to create a truly immersive experience. Feel like you're spelunking through a real cave as you navigate past educational boards and a variety of aquariums showcasing the diverse fish species of the Mediterranean Sea.


9- Straits of Gibraltar (Cebelitarık Alanı)

Straits of Gibraltar

Journey to the southern tip of Spain as you enter the Straits of Gibraltar exhibit.  This crucial waterway connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. At the entrance, you'll be greeted by a mighty statue of Hercules, a legendary figure from Greek mythology. Prepare to be awestruck by two immense, six-meter-tall aquariums showcasing the unique marine life found in this region.


10- East Atlantic (Doğu Atlantik Alanı)

East Atlantic

Step aboard a historic Liberty ship and embark on a voyage to the eastern Atlantic Ocean! These sturdy freighters were built during World War II and became symbols of American wartime industry. This section, located beneath the Marmara region, offers a glimpse into the ship's hold where you can spot sharks and other fascinating fish swimming amidst a shipwreck scene. Rusty pipes and scattered paper plates evoke the remnants of a sunken vessel, adding a touch of historical intrigue. Take a tour of the ship's deck, observing the telegraph and Morse code system on one side and a recreation of the crew's quarters on the other.


11- Mid-Atlantic (Orta Atlantik Alanı)


Dive deeper into the Atlantic! This section simulates a submarine voyage, allowing you to peer through windows and witness the diverse marine life of the mid-Atlantic, including dogfish, seahorses, king prawns, and even occasional sharks. A 40-inch touchscreen provides a wealth of information about these fascinating creatures. Along the way, you'll find three cafes where you can take a break, enjoy a drink, and recharge for the next leg of your journey.


12- Western Atlantic (Batı Atlantik)

Western Atlantic

Prepare to be awestruck by the western Atlantic section! This area boasts the largest aquarium in the entire Istanbul Aquarium complex. Measuring a staggering 45 centimeters thick and weighing a colossal 22.5 tons, this behemoth tank houses an impressive array of sharks and dogfish. In contrast, a nearby pool offers a more interactive experience. Here, you'll have the opportunity to observe and even touch tiny creatures like sea anemones, blue crabs, and sea urchins.  This section also provides fascinating insights into shark anatomy, delving into the structure of their muscles, bones, and skeletons


13- Panama Canal (Panama Kanalı)

Panama Canal

Next stop, the Panama Canal! This iconic artificial waterway revolutionized global trade by connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Learn about the canal's complex design and engineering marvel that allows massive ships to navigate its waters.

Did you know that before the canal's construction, a journey between New York and San Francisco required a staggering 22,500 kilometers? The Panama Canal slashed that distance in half, forever altering global shipping routes.

Step-by-step exhibits showcase how ships are meticulously raised and lowered through a series of hydraulic lifts, traversing the canal's artificial channels and lakes.

The Istanbul Aquarium's Panama Canal section features a variety of large and small aquariums alongside informative displays detailing the waterway's history and the immense challenges overcome during its construction.


14- Pacific Ocean (Pasifik Okyanusu)

Pacific Ocean

Dive into the vast Pacific Ocean!  As you enter this section, a mesmerizing cylindrical aquarium filled with captivating starfish will grab your attention.  Surrounding this centerpiece are numerous tanks teeming with diverse marine life.

On the left side, emerald fish gracefully glide, while the right side boasts a vibrant display of clownfish, surgeonfish, mudskippers, and even duckbill fish!  Just like other sections, the Pacific Ocean area features a large screen that educates visitors about the formation of tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions in a captivating way.

An interactive map highlights the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region notorious for its frequent seismic activity and volcanic eruptions, encompassing over 75% of the world's active volcanoes.


15- Nautilus (Nautilus Alanı)


Ever dreamed of exploring the ocean depths like Captain Nemo? The Nautilus section makes that fantasy a reality! Climb aboard the legendary submarine from Jules Verne's classic novel, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," and embark on a thrilling underwater voyage.


16- Rainforest (Amazon Yağmur Ormanı)


Your Istanbul Aquarium adventure culminates in the awe-inspiring Amazon Rainforest! This sprawling 1,000 square meter greenhouse meticulously replicates the Amazon's lush vegetation. 

Encounter a mesmerizing array of Amazonian aquatic creatures, from piranhas and carnivorous fish to vibrant, uniquely colored poisonous frogs. Keep your eyes peeled for iguanas and the fascinating leafcutter ants, renowned for their ability to thrive in both water and on land.

After exploring the rainforest's wonders, be sure to visit the Istanbul Aquarium waterfall before reaching the final turn that leads you back to the first floor and the beginning of your unforgettable journey.


Entertainments at Istanbul Aquarium

Beyond encountering a dazzling array of aquatic and land creatures, the Istanbul Aquarium offers a whole splash of activities to keep you entertained:


Dive with Sharks (For ages 14+)

Dive with Shark

Experience the thrill!  Istanbul Aquarium offers a unique opportunity to dive with over 20 sharks from various regions. This unforgettable experience can be enjoyed by individuals, families, or friends.

What's Included:

  1. Professional Guidance: Certified divers will guide you through the entire process.
  2. Training: A 30-minute theory session covers breathing techniques, equipment usage, and safety protocols. (Shorter refresher for experienced divers)
  3. The Dive: Enjoy a 30-minute dive alongside the sharks.
  4. Certification (Optional): Receive a commemorative "Istanbul Aquarium Special Diving Certificate" (not a professional certification).

Important Information:

  1. Age Requirement: 14 years and older
  2. Health: Participants must be in good health with no diving restrictions.
  3. Advance Booking: Reserve your spot at least 2 days in advance.
  4. Payment: Fees must be deposited before your dive.
  5. Weekend Dives: Book by Thursday at noon for weekend dives.
  6. What to Bring: Swimsuit, towel, slippers, and head/body shampoo (most items available for purchase at the aquarium).
  7. Equipment: All diving equipment is provided by the aquarium.

Safety First:

  1. Participants must follow all safety instructions and dive protocols.
  2. Touching or feeding the creatures is strictly prohibited.
  3. Instructor has the right to stop the dive for any safety concerns.

Create unforgettable memories by diving with sharks at Istanbul Aquarium!


Mirror Maze

Mirror Maze

Challenge yourself in the mind-bending Mirror Maze! This labyrinth of mirrors will disorient you with its reflections, making it a fun and tricky experience. Tickets can be purchased online or at the Istanbul Aquarium.


Feeding Frenzy!

Feeding Frenzy!

Witness the fascinating feeding time at Istanbul Aquarium! Watch professional staff feed a variety of marine life, including sharks, crocodiles, and more.

Daily Feedings (except Mondays):

  1. 11:00 AM: Big and small sharks, other fish, groupers, mollusks, and more (at the Panama Tunnel)
  2. Varies: Shark diving session days - feeding starts at 10:30 AM

Additional Feedings:

  1. Wednesdays & Sundays, 2:30 PM: Sand tiger sharks (Western Atlantic panel)
  2. Saturdays, 4:00 PM: Dwarf caiman lizards (Rainforest Realm)

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to see these creatures in action!


Soar Through Istanbul (VR Helicopter Simulator)

Take a thrilling virtual helicopter ride at the Istanbul Aquarium! This 5D cinema experience (with seven movie options) lets you soar over Istanbul's skyline and even journey through time. Feel the wind in your hair (virtually) as you witness iconic landmarks like ancient Ephesus and Aspendos.

A unique way to explore Istanbul and beyond!


Other Options

The Istanbul Aquarium offers a variety of amenities to enhance your visit:

  1. Souvenir Shop: Find unique keepsakes and practical items like towels, slippers, and even diving gear in the 470-square-meter souvenir shop.
  2. Event Hosting: Plan a truly unforgettable celebration! Hold your business meeting, wedding, birthday, or family gathering at the Istanbul Aquarium.
  3. Dining Options: Relax and recharge at one of the three cafes or the restaurant overlooking the Panamanian fish. Enjoy delicious food and drinks with a unique view.
  4. Professional Photography: Capture lasting memories with professional photo services offered by the aquarium team. Surprise your loved ones with these special keepsakes.
  5. Diving Courses: Take your love for the underwater world to the next level! CMAS-certified diving courses are available for beginners (no prior experience needed!). All equipment is provided by the aquarium.


Istanbul Aquarium Location and Access

The Istanbul Aquarium is conveniently located in Istanbul's Florya neighborhood, near the Sea of Marmara. Here's how to get there:

  1. Address: Şenlikköy, Yeşilköy Halkalı Cd. No:93, 34153 Florya/İstanbul


  1. 20 km (30 min) from central Istanbul
  2. 24 km (33 min) from Taksim Square
  3. 9 km (22 min) from Atatürk Airport
  4. 60 km (65 min) from Sabiha Gökçen Airport

Transportation Options:

  1. Taxi: For a quicker, but more expensive, option, take a taxi. Mention "Floria Aquarium" to avoid confusion with other aquariums. Be aware that most taxi drivers may not speak English.
  2. Train: A budget-friendly and efficient option! The train ride takes about 35 minutes, followed by a 15-minute walk to the aquarium (opposite direction).

Tip: Research train routes and stations beforehand to ensure a smooth journey.


Visiting Hours, Entrance Fees and Nearby Attractions

The Istanbul Aquarium is open every day from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Ticket prices vary depending on age and can be purchased online or at the aquarium.

  1. Children under 2 years old: Free Entry
  2. Adults: Check the official Istanbul Aquarium website for current pricing (
  3. Family Packages (3-4 people): Available at a discounted rate compared to single tickets (check website for details)


Nearby Attractions:

  1. Florya leroz entertainment complex (1.2 km)
  2. Florya Atatürk Forest (2.7 km)
  3. Sultan Ahmed Mosque (20 km)
  4. Hagia Sophia Mosque (20.8 km)
  5. Istanbul Grand Bazaar (21 km)


Final Takeaway

As one of Istanbul's most unique attractions, the Istanbul Aquarium welcomes visitors throughout the year. So, no matter the season, the Istanbul Aquarium offers an unforgettable exploration of the wonders beneath the waves.

Make the most of your Istanbul adventure with a personalized guided tour.  Tailored to your interests, these tours ensure you see the must-see attractions.

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